Protect Your Feet: 4 Devices You Can Get at a Mobility Equipment Shop

If you suffer from foot problems, it's time to visit a mobility equipment shop. There are a variety of mobility devices that can make it easier for you to get around. One of the benefits of visiting a mobility equipment shop is that you can find everything you need for your mobility. If you're not sure what type of devices to look for, read the list below. Here are four mobility devices that can help get relief from your foot problems. [Read More]

How Can You Best Deal With Plantar Fasciitis?

If you've ever suffered from foot pain, you know how debilitating it can be and how much it can affect your everyday life. So, you may be particularly upset if you jump out of bed one morning only to scream in pain with a new and unexpected issue. What could this be, and how can you find some relief? Understand Your Condition This type of foot issue is likely to be plantar fasciitis. [Read More]

4 Ways Orthotics Can Reduce Pain

If you're suffering from foot pain, you might be wondering whether orthotics can help. They're a device that fits into your shoes to support your feet and reduce pain. Orthotics are an effective way to relieve pain in the feet. They can also help prevent injuries from occurring again in the future. Here are four ways orthotics may reduce your pain: 1. Orthotics Can Reduce Pain Caused by Plantar Fasciitis [Read More]

What Should You Do if You Overpronate When You Run?

Do you often experience pain in the heel of your foot when you walk quickly or run? Alternatively, do you frequently have to deal with back or hip pain when you exercise? If so, you may be suffering from a foot condition known as overpronation. What is this, how do you know if you have the issue, and what can you do about it? 1. Interpretation Overpronation is one of many conditions that can affect the foot and determine how you walk or run. [Read More]